
This cookbook pattern demonstrates the navigation pattern used to display pagination, where the user can move between pages of content such as search results.

Links to sets of pages in a paged listing


The pagination pattern typically displays items in a row. To ensure that the pagination is understandable by people using a screen reader, we mark the items up as a list inside a <nav> element, and then use CSS to display the layout visually as a row.

Typically, the pagination component will be centered horizontally underneath the content.


Choices made

This pattern is laid out using flexbox — one flex container nested inside another. The <nav> element is designated a flex container in order that we can center the list inside using the justify-content property.

The list itself also becomes a flex container to lay the items out as a row. To space the items out we will use a margin on the flex items.

Alternative methods

Once the column-gap property has implementation in browsers this could be used instead of margins to space out the items.


.pagination {
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  display: flex;
  column-gap: 2px;

Accessibility concerns

We want to ensure that a person using a screen reader understands what this navigation does, and where they will go when clicking a link. To help with this we have added aria-label="pagination" on the <nav> element.

We have also added some additional content that would be read by a screen reader but is hidden visually, and set the aria-hidden attribute on the paging arrows.

The "See Also" section at the end of this document has links to related accessibility topics.


CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
# align-justify-content
CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
# justify-content-property
CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
# column-row-gap
CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
# gutters
CSS Multi-column Layout Module Level 1
# column-gap

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also