
Non-standard: This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.

The -webkit-border-before CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical block start border property values in a single place in the style sheet.


/* Border values */
-webkit-border-before: 1px;
-webkit-border-before: 2px dotted;
-webkit-border-before: medium dashed blue;

/* Global values */
-webkit-border-before: inherit;
-webkit-border-before: initial;
-webkit-border-before: revert;
-webkit-border-before: revert-layer;
-webkit-border-before: unset;

-webkit-border-before can be used to set the values for one or more of: -webkit-border-before-width, -webkit-border-before-style, and -webkit-border-before-color. It maps to a physical border depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top, border-right, border-bottom, or border-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.

It relates to -webkit-border-after, -webkit-border-start, and -webkit-border-end, which define the other borders of the element.

This property is on the standard track as border-block-start.



One or more of the following, in any order:


See border-width


See border-style


See color

Formal definition

Initial valueas each of the properties of the shorthand:
Applies toall elements
Percentagesas each of the properties of the shorthand:
Computed valueas each of the properties of the shorthand:
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

-webkit-border-before =
  <'border-width'> || <'border-style'> || <color>


Applying a border with vertical text



  <p class="exampleText">Example text</p>



div {
  background-color: yellow;
  width: 120px;
  height: 120px;

.exampleText {
  writing-mode: vertical-rl;
  -webkit-border-before: 5px dashed blue;



Not part of any standard, but it relates to the standards-track border-block-start property.

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also