GPUDevice: createComputePipelineAsync() method

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The createComputePipelineAsync() method of the GPUDevice interface returns a Promise that fulfills with a GPUComputePipeline, which can control the compute shader stage and be used in a GPUComputePassEncoder, once the pipeline can be used without any stalling.

Note: It is generally preferable to use this method over GPUDevice.createComputePipeline() whenever possible, as it prevents blocking of GPU operation execution on pipeline compilation.






See the descriptor definition for the GPUDevice.createComputePipeline() method.

Return value

A Promise that fulfills with a GPUComputePipeline object instance when the created pipeline is ready to be used without additional delay.


If pipeline creation fails and the resulting pipeline becomes invalid as a result, the returned promise rejects with a GPUPipelineError:

  • If this is due to an internal error, the GPUPipelineError will have a reason of "internal".
  • If this is due to a validation error, the GPUPipelineError will have a reason of "validation".

A validation error can occur if any of the following are false:

  • The workgroup storage size used by the module referenced inside the compute property is less than or equal to the GPUDevice's maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize limit.
  • The module uses a number of compute invocations per workgroup less than or equal to the GPUDevice's maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup limit.
  • The module's workgroup size is less than or equal to the GPUDevice's corresponding maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX, maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY, or maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ limit.


Note: The WebGPU samples feature many more examples.

Basic example

The following example shows a process of:


async function init() {
  // ...

  const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
    entries: [
        binding: 0,
        visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
        buffer: {
          type: "storage",

  const computePipeline = await device.createComputePipelineAsync({
    layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
      bindGroupLayouts: [bindGroupLayout],
    compute: {
      module: shaderModule,
      entryPoint: "main",

  // ...


# dom-gpudevice-createcomputepipelineasync

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also