GPUTexture: createView() method

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The createView() method of the GPUTexture interface creates a GPUTextureView representing a specific view of the GPUTexture.





descriptor Optional

An object containing the following properties:

arrayLayerCount Optional

A number defining how many array layers are accessible to the view, starting with the baseArrayLayer value.

If arrayLayerCount is omitted, it is given a value as follows:

  • If dimension is "1d", "2d", or "3d", arrayLayerCount is 1.
  • If dimension is "cube", arrayLayerCount is 6.
  • If dimension is "2d-array", or "cube-array", arrayLayerCount is GPUTexture.depthOrArrayLayers - baseArrayLayer.
aspect Optional

An enumerated value specifying which aspect(s) of the texture are accessible to the texture view. Possible values are:


All available aspects of the texture format will be accessible to the view, which can mean all or any of color, depth, and stencil, depending on what kind of format you are dealing with.


Only the depth aspect of a depth-or-stencil format will be accessible to the view.


Only the stencil aspect of a depth-or-stencil format will be accessible to the view.

If omitted, aspect takes a value of "all".

baseArrayLayer Optional

A number defining the index of the first array layer accessible to the view. If omitted, baseArrayLayer takes a value of 0.

baseMipLevel Optional

A number representing the first (most detailed) mipmap level accessible to the view. If omitted, baseMipLevel takes a value of 0.

dimension Optional

An enumerated value specifying the format to view the texture as. Possible values are:

  • "1d": The texture is viewed as a one-dimensional image.
  • "2d": The texture is viewed as a single two-dimensional image.
  • "2d-array": The texture is viewed as an array of two-dimensional images.
  • "cube": The texture is viewed as a cubemap. The view has 6 array layers, corresponding to the [+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z] faces of the cube. Sampling is done seamlessly across the faces of the cubemap.
  • "cube-array": The texture is viewed as a packed array of N cubemaps, each with 6 array layers corresponding to the [+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z] faces of the cube. Sampling is done seamlessly across the faces of the cubemaps.
  • "3d": The texture is viewed as a three-dimensional image.

If dimension is omitted, it is given a value as follows:

format Optional

An enumerated value specifying the format of the texture view. See the Texture formats section of the specification for all the possible values.

If format is omitted, it will be given a value as follows:

label Optional

A string providing a label that can be used to identify the object, for example in GPUError messages or console warnings.

mipLevelCount Optional

A number defining how many mipmap levels are accessible to the view, starting with the baseMipLevel value.

If mipLevelCount is omitted, it will be given a value of GPUTexture.mipLevelCount - baseMipLevel.

Return value

A GPUTextureView object instance.


The following criteria must be met when calling createView(), otherwise a GPUValidationError is generated and an invalid GPUTextureView object is returned:


In the WebGPU Samples Cubemap demo, you will see multiple examples of how createView() is used, both as to create a view resource for a GPUDevice.createBindGroup() call, and to provide a view in the depthStencilAttachment object of a GPUCommandEncoder.beginRenderPass() descriptor.


const uniformBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
  layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
  entries: [
      binding: 0,
      resource: {
        buffer: uniformBuffer,
        offset: 0,
        size: uniformBufferSize,
      binding: 1,
      resource: sampler,
      binding: 2,
      resource: cubemapTexture.createView({
        dimension: "cube",

const renderPassDescriptor: GPURenderPassDescriptor = {
  colorAttachments: [
      view: undefined, // Assigned later
      loadOp: "clear",
      storeOp: "store",
  depthStencilAttachment: {
    view: depthTexture.createView(),

    depthClearValue: 1.0,
    depthLoadOp: "clear",
    depthStoreOp: "store",

// ...

const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor);

// ...


# dom-gputexture-createview

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also