GPURenderPassEncoder: setBindGroup() method

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The setBindGroup() method of the GPURenderPassEncoder interface sets the GPUBindGroup to use for subsequent render commands, for a given index.



setBindGroup(index, bindGroup)
setBindGroup(index, bindGroup, dynamicOffsets)
setBindGroup(index, bindGroup, dynamicOffsets, dynamicOffsetsStart,



The index to set the bind group at. This matches the n index value of the corresponding @group(n) attribute in the shader code (GPUShaderModule) used in the related pipeline.


The GPUBindGroup to use for subsequent render commands.

dynamicOffsets Optional

A value specifying the offset, in bytes, for each entry in bindGroup with hasDynamicOffset: true set (i.e. in the descriptor of the GPUDevice.createBindGroupLayout() call that created the GPUBindGroupLayout object that the bindGroup is based on). This value can be:

  • An array of numbers specifying the different offsets.
  • A Uint32Array containing numbers specifying the offsets.

If a Uint32Array value is specified for dynamicOffsets, both of the following parameters are also required:


A number specifying the offset, in array elements, into dynamicOffsetsData, where the dynamic offset data begins.


A number specifying the number of dynamic offset values to be read from in dynamicOffsetsData.

Return value

None (Undefined).


For setBindGroup() calls that use a Uint32Array value for dynamicOffsets, the call will throw with a RangeError DOMException if:

  • dynamicOffsetsStart is less than 0.
  • dynamicOffsetsStart + dynamicOffsetsLength is greater than dynamicOffsets.length.


The following criteria must be met when calling setBindGroup(), otherwise a GPUValidationError is generated and the GPURenderPassEncoder becomes invalid:

  • index is less than or equal to the GPUDevice's maxBindGroups limit.
  • dynamicOffsets.length is the same as the number of entries in bindGroup with hasDynamicOffset: true set.
  • For bindGroup entries where the bound buffer's type is "uniform" (see GPUDevice.createBindGroupLayout()), each number in dynamicOffsets is a multiple of the GPUDevice's minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment limit.
  • For bindGroup entries where the bound buffer's type is "storage" or "read-only-storage" (see GPUDevice.createBindGroupLayout()), each number in dynamicOffsets is a multiple of the GPUDevice's minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment limit.
  • For each bindGroup entry, the bound buffer's offset, plus the corresponding layout entry's minBindingSize, plus the corresponding dynamic offset specified in dynamicOffsets, is less than or equal to the bound buffer's size.


In the WebGPU Samples Textured Cube example, setBindGroup() is used to bind the uniformBindGroup to index position 0. Check out the example for the full context.


// ...

const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor);
passEncoder.setBindGroup(0, uniformBindGroup);
passEncoder.setVertexBuffer(0, verticesBuffer);
passEncoder.draw(cubeVertexCount, 1, 0, 0);

// ...

Note: Study the other WebGPU Samples for more examples of setBindGroup() usage.


# programmable-passes-bind-groups

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also