
A BrowserSetting object that can be used to change the browser's proxy settings.

Note: Changing proxy settings requires private browsing window access because proxy settings affect private and non-private windows. Whether an extension can access private browsing windows is under user control. For details, see Extensions in Private Browsing. Your extension can check whether it can access private browsing windows using extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess. If your extension does not have private window permission, calls to proxy.settings.set() throw an exception.

The underlying value is an object with the properties listed below.

When setting this object, all properties are optional. Note that any properties that are omitted will be reset to their default value.

autoConfigUrl Optional

string. A URL to use to configure the proxy.

autoLogin Optional

boolean. Do not prompt for authentication if the password is saved. Defaults to false.

ftp Optional Deprecated

string. The address of the FTP proxy. Can include a port.

http Optional

string. The address of the HTTP proxy. Can include a port.

httpProxyAll Optional

boolean. Use the HTTP proxy server for all protocols. Defaults to false.

passthrough Optional

string. A comma-separated list of hosts which should not be proxied. Defaults to "localhost,".

proxyDNS Optional

boolean. Proxy DNS when using SOCKS5. Defaults to false.

proxyType Optional

string. The type of proxy to use. This may take any one of the following values: "none", "autoDetect", "system", "manual", "autoConfig". Defaults to "system".

socks Optional

string. The address of the SOCKS proxy. Can include a port.

socksVersion Optional

integer. The version of the SOCKS proxy. May be 4 or 5. Defaults to 5.

ssl Optional

string. The address of the SSL proxy. Can include a port.



let proxySettings = {
  proxyType: "manual",
  http: "",
  socksVersion: 4,
  passthrough: ""

browser.proxy.settings.set({value: proxySettings});

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser