
Removes all visits to pages that the user made during the given time range. If this removes all visits made to a given page, then the page will be no longer appear in the browser history and history.onVisitRemoved will fire for it.

This is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise.



let deletingRange = browser.history.deleteRange(
  range           // object



object. Specification of the time range for which to delete visits.


number or string or object. A value indicating a date and time. This can be represented as: a Date object, an ISO 8601 date string, or the number of milliseconds since the epoch. Specifies the start time for the range.


number or string or object. A value indicating a date and time. This can be represented as: a Date object, an ISO 8601 date string, or the number of milliseconds since the epoch. Specifies the end time for the range.

Return value

A Promise will be fulfilled with no parameters when the range has been deleted.

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser


Delete all visits made in the last minute:


const MINUTE = 60 * 1000;

function oneMinuteAgo() {
  return Date.now() - MINUTE;

  startTime: oneMinuteAgo(),
  endTime: Date.now()

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.history API. This documentation is derived from history.json in the Chromium code.