
The DownloadQuery type of the downloads API defines a set of parameters that can be used to search the downloads manager for a specific set of downloads.

This type is used for example in and downloads.erase(), as a query object to filter the set of DownloadItems to return or erase.


Values of this type are objects. They contain the following properties:

cookieStoreId Optional

The cookie store ID of the contextual identity in which the download took place.

query Optional

An array of strings. Include only DownloadItems whose filename or url contains all of the given strings. You can also include terms beginning with a dash (-) — these terms must not be contained in the item's filename or url for it to be included.

startedBefore Optional

A DownloadTime. Include only DownloadItems that started before the given time.

startedAfter Optional

A DownloadTime. Include only DownloadItems that started after the given time.

endedBefore Optional

A DownloadTime. Include only DownloadItems that ended before the given time.

endedAfter Optional

A DownloadTime. Include only DownloadItems that ended after the given time.

totalBytesGreater Optional

A number representing a number of bytes. Include only DownloadItems whose totalBytes is greater than the given number.

totalBytesLess Optional

A number representing a number of bytes. Include only DownloadItems whose totalBytes is less than the given number.

filenameRegex Optional

A string representing a regular expression. Include only DownloadItems whose filename value matches the given regular expression.

urlRegex Optional

A string representing a regular expression. Include only DownloadItems whose url value matches the given regular expression.

limit Optional

An integer representing a number of results. Include only the specified number of DownloadItems.

orderBy Optional

An array of strings representing DownloadItem properties the search results should be sorted by. For example, including startTime then totalBytes in the array would sort the DownloadItems by their start time, then total bytes — in ascending order. To specify sorting by a property in descending order, prefix it with a hyphen, for example -startTime.

id Optional

An integer representing the ID of the downloads.DownloadItem you want to query.

url Optional

A string representing the absolute URL that the download was initiated from, before any redirects.

filename Optional

A string representing the absolute local path of the download file you want to query.

danger Optional

A string representing a downloads.DangerType — include only DownloadItems with this danger value.

mime Optional

A string representing a MIME type. Include only DownloadItems with this mime value.

startTime Optional

A string representing an ISO 8601 format time. Include only DownloadItems with this startTime value.

endTime Optional

A string representing an ISO 8601 format time. Include only will limited to DownloadItems with this endTime value.

state Optional

A string representing a download downloads.State (in_progress, interrupted, or complete). Include only DownloadItems with this state value.

paused Optional

A boolean that indicates whether a download is paused — i.e. has stopped reading data from the host, but kept the connection open (true), or not (false). Include only DownloadItems with this paused value.

error Optional

A string representing an downloads.InterruptReason — a reason why a download was interrupted. Include only DownloadItems with this error value.

bytesReceived Optional

A number representing the number of bytes received so far from the host, without considering file compression. Include only DownloadItems with this bytesReceived value.

totalBytes Optional

A number representing the total number of bytes in the downloaded file, without considering file compression. Include only DownloadItems with this totalBytes value.

fileSize Optional

number. Number of bytes in the whole file post-decompression, or -1 if unknown. A number representing the total number of bytes in the file after decompression. Include only DownloadItems with this fileSize value.

exists Optional

A boolean indicating whether a downloaded file still exists (true) or not (false). Include only DownloadItems with this exists value.

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.downloads API.