
Adds a new panel to the devtools.

This function takes: a title, a URL to an icon file, and a URL to an HTML file. It creates a new panel in the devtools, whose content is specified by the HTML file. It returns a Promise that resolves to an ExtensionPanel object representing the new panel.



let creating = browser.devtools.panels.create(
  title,       // string
  iconPath,    // string
  pagePath     // string



string. The panel's title. This will appear in the row of tabs along the top of the devtools window, and is the main way the user will be able to identify your panel.


string. Specifies an icon which will be shown next to the title. It's provided as a URL to an image file that's been bundled with your extension. The URL is resolved as relative to the current extension page (unless expressed as an absolute URL, e.g. "/icons/panel.png").


string. Specifies an HTML file that defines the actual content of the panel. It's provided as a URL to an HTML file that's been bundled with your extension. The URL is resolved as relative to the current extension page (unless expressed as an absolute URL, e.g. "/devtools/panel.html"). The HTML file may include CSS and JavaScript files, just like a normal web page. The JavaScript running in the panel will be able to use the devtools APIs. See Extending the developer tools.

Return value

A Promise that will be fulfilled with an ExtensionPanel object representing the new panel.

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser


Create a new panel, and add listeners to its onShown and onHidden events:


function handleShown() {
  console.log("panel is being shown");

function handleHidden() {
  console.log("panel is being hidden");

  "My Panel",                 // title
  "/icons/star.png",           // icon
  "/devtools/panel/panel.html" // content
).then((newPanel) => {

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.devtools.panels API.