
Prefetching refers to the practice of speculatively fetching resources in the background for pages that the user is likely to navigate to in the near future. This can significantly reduce the load time for the prefetched page if the user does choose to navigate to it. Prefetching might be used, for example, to fetch the page resources linked by a "Next" button, or a link popup that a user hovers over, or search results.

Resource prefetching

Resources should be prefetched based on how likely it is that they will be needed in a future navigation. Browsers can infer this automatically for some resources, such as the current URL in the address bar.

Browsers will also prefetch content for <link> elements that have the rel="prefetch" attribute. This allows developers to hint to the browser the likely navigation from the current page. Note that only these links are prefetched (so <a> elements are not), and that they are fetched at lower priority that resources used by the current page, including elements with fetchPriority="low".

Prefetching can be used to fetch both HTML and sub-resources for a possible next navigation. A common use case is to have a simple website landing page that fetches more "heavy-weight" resources used by the rest of the site.


<link rel="prefetch" href="/app/style.css" />
<link rel="prefetch" href="" />

The fetch request for a prefetch operation results an HTTP Request that includes the HTTP header Sec-Purpose: prefetch, which a server might use to change the cache timeouts for the resources, or perform other special handling. The request should also include the Sec-Fetch-Dest header with the value set to empty. The Accept header in the request should match the value used for normal navigation requests, so that the browser can find the matching cached resources following navigation. If a response is returned, it is cached with the request in the HTTP cache.

Note: Browser vendors are currently aligning around the HTTP headers that are sent, and may use different headers and values. The best place to track specification compliance is the Sec-Purpose compatibility table.

DNS Prefetching

DNS prefetching resolves domain names in advance thereby speeding up load times by reducing the time associated with domain lookup at request time.


<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="" />

See also