
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface of the File System Access API provides a handle to a file system directory.

The interface can be accessed via the window.showDirectoryPicker(), StorageManager.getDirectory(), DataTransferItem.getAsFileSystemHandle(), and FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getDirectoryHandle() methods.

FileSystemHandle FileSystemDirectoryHandle

Instance properties

Inherits properties from its parent, FileSystemHandle.

Instance methods

Inherits methods from its parent, FileSystemHandle.


Returns a new async iterator of a given object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs


Returns a Promise fulfilled with a FileSystemFileHandle for a file with the specified name, within the directory the method is called.


Returns a Promise fulfilled with a FileSystemDirectoryHandle for a subdirectory with the specified name within the directory handle on which the method is called.


Returns a new async iterator containing the keys for each item in FileSystemDirectoryHandle.


Attempts to asynchronously remove an entry if the directory handle contains a file or directory called the name specified.


Returns a Promise fulfilled with an Array of directory names from the parent handle to the specified child entry, with the name of the child entry as the last array item.


Returns a new async iterator containing the values for each index in the FileSystemDirectoryHandle object.


Returns the entries function by default.


The following example returns a directory handle with the specified name, if the directory does not exist it is created.


const dirName = "directoryToGetName";

// assuming we have a directory handle: 'currentDirHandle'
const subDir = currentDirHandle.getDirectoryHandle(dirName, { create: true });

The following asynchronous function uses resolve() to find the path to a chosen file, relative to a specified directory handle.


async function returnPathDirectories(directoryHandle) {
  // Get a file handle by showing a file picker:
  const handle = await self.showOpenFilePicker();
  if (!handle) {
    // User cancelled, or otherwise failed to open a file.

  // Check if handle exists inside directory our directory handle
  const relativePaths = await directoryHandle.resolve(handle);

  if (relativePath === null) {
    // Not inside directory handle
  } else {
    // relativePath is an array of names, giving the relative path

    for (const name of relativePaths) {
      // log each entry

The following example scans recursively through a directory to return FileSystemFileHandle objects for each file in that directory:


async function* getFilesRecursively(entry) {
  if (entry.kind === "file") {
    const file = await entry.getFile();
    if (file !== null) {
      file.relativePath = getRelativePath(entry);
      yield file;
  } else if (entry.kind === "directory") {
    for await (const handle of entry.values()) {
      yield* getFilesRecursively(handle);
for await (const fileHandle of getFilesRecursively(directoryHandle)) {


File System Standard
# api-filesystemdirectoryhandle

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also