The following is an annotated list of core XPath functions and XSLT-specific additions to XPath, including a description, syntax, a list of arguments, result-type, source in the appropriate W3C Recommendation. For further information on using XPath/XSLT functions, please see the For Further Reading page.
- boolean()
- ceiling()
- choose()
- concat()
- contains()
- count()
- current() XSLT-specific
- document() XSLT-specific
- element-available()
- false()
- floor()
- format-number() XSLT-specific
- function-available()
- generate-id() XSLT-specific
- id()
- key() XSLT-specific
- lang()
- last()
- local-name()
- name()
- namespace-uri()
- normalize-space()
- not()
- number()
- position()
- round()
- starts-with()
- string()
- string-length()
- substring()
- substring-after()
- substring-before()
- sum()
- system-property() XSLT-specific
- translate()
- true()
- unparsed-entity-url() XSLT-specific