
The [@@iterator]() method of Segments instances implements the iterable protocol and allows Segments objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns an segments iterator object that yields data about each segment.

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Return value

A new iterable iterator object that yields data about each segment. Each yielded object has the same properties as the object returned by the containing() method.


Iteration using for...of loop

Note that you seldom need to call this method directly. The existence of the @@iterator method makes Segments objects iterable, and iterating syntaxes like the for...of loop automatically calls this method to obtain the iterator to loop over.


const segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter("zh-CN", { granularity: "word" });
const input = "你好,世界!我爱编程。";

for (const value of segmenter.segment(input)) {

{segment: '你好', index: 0, input: '你好,世界!我爱编程。', isWordLike: true}
{segment: ',', index: 2, input: '你好,世界!我爱编程。', isWordLike: false}
{segment: '世界', index: 3, input: '你好,世界!我爱编程。', isWordLike: true}
{segment: '!', index: 5, input: '你好,世界!我爱编程。', isWordLike: false}
{segment: '我', index: 6, input: '你好,世界!我爱编程。', isWordLike: true}
{segment: '爱', index: 7, input: '你好,世界!我爱编程。', isWordLike: true}
{segment: '编', index: 8, input: '你好,世界!我爱编程。', isWordLike: true}
{segment: '程', index: 9, input: '你好,世界!我爱编程。', isWordLike: true}
{segment: '。', index: 10, input: '你好,世界!我爱编程。', isWordLike: false}

Manually hand-rolling the iterator

You may still manually call the next() method of the returned iterator object to achieve maximum control over the iteration process.


const segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter("fr", { granularity: "word" });
const input = "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?";
const segments = segmenter.segment(input);
const iterator = segments[Symbol.iterator]();

let result =;

while (!result.done) {
  result =;

{segment: 'Moi', index: 0, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: true}
{segment: ' ', index: 3, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: false}
{segment: '?', index: 4, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: false}
{segment: ' ', index: 5, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: false}
{segment: "N'est", index: 6, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: true}
{segment: '-', index: 11, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: false}
{segment: 'ce', index: 12, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: true}
{segment: ' ', index: 14, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: false}
{segment: 'pas', index: 15, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: true}
{segment: ' ', index: 18, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: false}
{segment: '?', index: 19, input: "Moi ? N'est-ce pas ?", isWordLike: false}


ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification
# sec-%segmentsprototype%-@@iterator

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also