XRCompositionLayer: layout property

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The read-only layout property of the XRCompositionLayer interface is the layout type of the layer.

To specify the layout type of a layer, use one of the layer creation methods and their layout option:


A string. Possible values:


The layer accommodates all views of the session. It is recommended to use the texture-array texture type for default layouts.


A single XRSubImage is allocated and presented to both eyes.


The user agent decides how it allocates the XRSubImage (one or two) and the layout (top/bottom or left/right). It is recommended to use the texture-array texture type for stereo layouts.


A single XRSubImage is allocated. Left eye gets the left area of the texture, right eye the right. This layout is designed to minimize draw calls for content that is already in stereo (for example stereo videos or images).


A single XRSubImage is allocated. Left eye gets the top area of the texture, right eye the bottom. This layout is designed to minimize draw calls for content that is already in stereo (for example stereo videos or images).


Setting and getting a layer's layout

To specify a layer's layout, use a layer creation method (like XRWebGLBinding.createQuadLayer()) and its layout option. To retrieve the type of layer layout, use the layout property:


const layer = xrGlBinding.createQuadLayer({
  pixelWidth: 1024,
  pixelHeight: 768,
  layout: "stereo",

layer.layout; // "stereo"


WebXR Layers API Level 1
# dom-xrcompositionlayer-layout

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also