
The TrustedTypePolicyFactory interface of the Trusted Types API creates policies and allows the verification of Trusted Type objects against created policies.

Instance properties

TrustedTypePolicyFactory.emptyHTML Read only

Returns a TrustedHTML object containing an empty string.

TrustedTypePolicyFactory.emptyScript Read only

Returns a TrustedScript object containing an empty string.

TrustedTypePolicyFactory.defaultPolicy Read only

Returns the default TrustedTypePolicy or null if this is empty.

Instance methods


Creates a TrustedTypePolicy object that implements the rules passed as policyOptions.


When passed a value checks that it is a valid TrustedHTML object.


When passed a value checks that it is a valid TrustedScript object.


When passed a value checks that it is a valid TrustedScriptURL object.


Allows web developers to check whether a Trusted Type is required for an element and attribute, and if so which one.


Allows web developers to check whether a Trusted Type is required for a property, and if so which one.


The below code creates a policy with the name "myEscapePolicy" with a function defined for createHTML() which sanitizes HTML.

We then use the policy to sanitize a string, creating a TrustedHTML object, escaped. This object can be tested with isHTML() to ensure that it was created by one of our policies.


const escapeHTMLPolicy = trustedTypes.createPolicy("myEscapePolicy", {
  createHTML: (string) => string.replace(/>/g, "<"),

const escaped = escapeHTMLPolicy.createHTML("<img src=x onerror=alert(1)>");

console.log(trustedTypes.isHTML(escaped)); // true;


Trusted Types
# trusted-type-policy-factory

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser