TouchEvent: TouchEvent() constructor

The TouchEvent() constructor creates a new TouchEvent object.

Note: If you construct a synthetic event using this constructor, that event will not be trusted, for security reasons. Only browser-generated TouchEvent objects are trusted and only trusted events trigger default actions.



new TouchEvent(type)
new TouchEvent(type, options)



A string with the name of the event. It is case-sensitive and browsers set it to touchstart, touchend, touchmove, touchcancel

options Optional

An object that, in addition of the properties defined in UIEvent(), can have the following properties:

touches Optional

A TouchList, defaulting to an empty one, that is a list of objects for every point of contact currently touching the surface.

targetTouches Optional

A TouchList, defaulting to an empty one,, that is a list of objects for every point of contact that is touching the surface and started on the element that is the target of the current event.

changedTouches Optional

and defaulting to [], of type Touch[], that is a list of objects for every point of contact which contributed to the event.

ctrlKey Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, indicating if the ctrl key was simultaneously pressed.

shiftKey Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, indicating if the shift key was simultaneously pressed.

altKey Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, indicating if the alt key was simultaneously pressed.

metaKey Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, indicating if the meta key was simultaneously pressed.

Return value

A new TouchEvent object.


Touch Events
# dom-touchevent-constructor

Browser compatibility

See also

  • TouchEvent, the interface of the objects it constructs.