RTCPeerConnection: localDescription property

The read-only property RTCPeerConnection.localDescription returns an RTCSessionDescription describing the session for the local end of the connection. If it has not yet been set, this is null.



const sessionDescription = peerConnection.localDescription

On a more fundamental level, the returned value is the value of RTCPeerConnection.pendingLocalDescription if that property isn't null; otherwise, the value of RTCPeerConnection.currentLocalDescription is returned. See Pending and current descriptions in the WebRTC Connectivity page for details on this algorithm and why it's used.


This example looks at the localDescription and displays an alert containing the RTCSessionDescription object's type and sdp fields.


const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
// ...
const sd = pc.localDescription;
if (sd) {
  alert(`Local session: type='${sd.type}'; sdp description='${sd.sdp}'`);
} else {
  alert("No local session yet.");


WebRTC: Real-Time Communication in Browsers
# dom-peerconnection-localdescription

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also