Notification: Notification() constructor

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers

Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The Notification() constructor creates a new Notification object instance, which represents a user notification.



new Notification(title)
new Notification(title, options)



Defines a title for the notification, which is shown at the top of the notification window.

options Optional

An options object containing any custom settings that you want to apply to the notification. The possible options are:


The direction in which to display the notification. It defaults to auto, which just adopts the browser's language setting behavior, but you can override that behavior by setting values of ltr and rtl (although most browsers seem to ignore these settings.)


The notification's language, as specified using a string representing a language tag according to RFC 5646: Tags for Identifying Languages (also known as BCP 47). See the Sitepoint ISO 2 letter language codes page for a simple reference.


A string containing the URL of the image used to represent the notification when there isn't enough space to display the notification itself.


A string representing the body text of the notification, which is displayed below the title.


A string representing an identifying tag for the notification.


A string containing the URL of an icon to be displayed in the notification.


a string containing the URL of an image to be displayed in the notification.


Arbitrary data that you want associated with the notification. This can be of any data type.


A vibration pattern for the device's vibration hardware to emit with the notification.


A boolean value specifying whether the user should be notified after a new notification replaces an old one. The default is false, which means they won't be notified.


Indicates that a notification should remain active until the user clicks or dismisses it, rather than closing automatically. The default value is false.


An array of actions to display in the notification. Each element in the array is an object with the following members:

  • action: A string identifying a user action to be displayed on the notification.
  • title: A string containing action text to be shown to the user.
  • icon: A string containing the URL of an icon to display with the action.

Appropriate responses are built using event.action within the notificationclick event.


A boolean value specifying whether the notification is silent (no sounds or vibrations issued), regardless of the device settings. The default is false, which means it won't be silent.


In our Emogotchi demo (see source code), we run a spawnNotification() function when we want to trigger a notification. The function is passed parameters to specify the body, icon, and title we want, and then it creates the necessary options object and triggers the notification by using the Notification() constructor.


function spawnNotification(body, icon, title) {
  const notification = new Notification(title, { body, icon });


Notifications API Standard
# dom-notification-notification

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

Chrome notes

Starting in Chrome 49, notifications don't work in incognito mode.

Chrome for Android will throw a TypeError when calling the Notification constructor. It only supports creating notifications from a service worker. See the Chromium issue tracker for more details.

See also