Navigation: canGoForward property

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The canGoForward read-only property of the Navigation interface returns true if it is possible to navigate forwards in the navigation history (i.e. the currentEntry is not the last one in the history entry list), and false if it is not.


A boolean value:true if it is possible to navigate forwards in the navigation history, falseotherwise.



async function backHandler() {
  if (navigation.canGoBack) {
    await navigation.back().finished;
    // Handle any required clean-up after
    // navigation has finished
  } else {
    displayBanner("You are on the first page");

async function forwardHandler() {
  if (navigation.canGoForward) {
    await navigation.forward().finished;
    // Handle any required clean-up after
    // navigation has finished
  } else {
    displayBanner("You are on the last page");


Unknown specification
# dom-navigation-cangoforward

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also