History: state property

The History.state property returns a value representing the state at the top of the history stack. This is a way to look at the state without having to wait for a popstate event.


The state at the top of the history stack. The value is null until the pushState() or replaceState() method is used.


The code below logs the value of history.state before using the pushState() method to push a value to the history. The next line logs the value to the console again, showing that history.state now has a value.


// Should be null because we haven't modified the history stack yet
console.log("History.state before pushState: ", history.state);

// Now push something on the stack
history.pushState({ name: "Example" }, "pushState example", "page3.html");

// Now state has a value.
console.log("History.state after pushState: ", history.state);


HTML Standard
# dom-history-state-dev

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also