HighlightRegistry: entries() method

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The entries() method of the HighlightRegistry interface returns a new Iterator object that contains the [name, highlight] pairs for each element in the HighlightRegistry object, in insertion order.

HighlightRegistry is a Map-like object, so this is similar to using Map.entries().




Return value

A new iterator object that contains an array of [name, highlight] for each Highlight object in the HighlightRegistry, in insertion order.


The code snippet below creates and registers two new highlights, and then logs the highlights and their names by using the iterator returned by the entries() method:


const myHighlight1 = new Highlight();
const myHighlight2 = new Highlight();

CSS.highlights.set("first-highlight", myHighlight1);
CSS.highlights.set("second-highlight", myHighlight2);

const iter = CSS.highlights.entries();

console.log(iter.next().value); // ['first-highlight', Highlight]
console.log(iter.next().value); // ['second-highlight', Highlight]

The following code example shows how to iterate over the highlights in the registry by using a for...of loop:


const myHighlight1 = new Highlight();
const myHighlight2 = new Highlight();

CSS.highlights.set("first-highlight", myHighlight1);
CSS.highlights.set("second-highlight", myHighlight2);

for (const [name, highlight] of CSS.highlights.entries()) {
  console.log(`Highlight ${name}`, highlight);


ECMAScript Language Specification
# sec-map.prototype.entries

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also