Community guidelines

👋 Welcome to MDN Web Docs, an open-source, collaborative project that documents web platform technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web APIs. We also provide extensive learning resources for early-stage developers and students.

By participating in and contributing to our projects and discussions, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Mozilla community participation guidelines.

Ways to contribute

Guides in this section

This is the list of guides and pages in this section.


This section explains how you can start contributing and the type of contributions we accept. This section covers the following topics:

Open source etiquette

This article explains how to behave when contributing to our open source project.


On MDN Web Docs, we encourage our community to start and/or engage in discussions around topics related to the overall project. Discussions are categorized by different topic areas. This article explains the details.

Learn forum

Our Learn web development pages get over a million views per month and have active forums, where people go to ask for general help or request that their assessments be marked. We'd love some help with answering posts and growing our learning community. In this article, you'll learn what we need help with and the skills you'll need to provide help.


Issues are used to track all bugs and work that has a clear actionable outcome. This article contains guidelines on opening and working on issues. This article also covers the following topics:

Pull requests

This section covers our guidelines for submitting pull requests and what you should expect from the review process.

Roles and teams

This section provides an overview of the users and teams that are part of the MDN Web Docs project and details what it means to be part of a team.

Code of conduct

By participating in and contributing to our projects and discussions, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Mozilla community participation guidelines.

Get in touch

You can communicate with the MDN Web Docs team and community using the communication channels.

If you are learning web development and are stuck on a coding problem, we have active forums where you can ask questions and get help.

General support questions

We are a small team working hard to keep up with the documentation demands of a continuously changing web ecosystem. Unfortunately, we just can't help with general support questions. For general help while learning to code, please refer to the following resources:

Any issues, discussions, or pull requests opened on repositories requesting support will be directed here, then closed and locked.